١٥٨ ـ يوسفيوس : تاريخ يوسفيوس ، بيروت.
١٥٩ ـ دائرة المعارف الإسلامية ـ دار الشعب ، القاهرة ٦٩.
سادسا ـ المراجع الأجنبية :
٠٦١. Albiright,) W. F (, the Archaeology of Palestine, London, ٩٤٩١. ١٦١. Albiright, (W. F) , the Bible and the Ancient near east, London, ١٦٩١. ٢٦١. Albiright, (W. F) , the Bilbical period from Abraham to Ezra, N. Y. ٣٦٩١. ٣٦١. Barton (G. A.) , Archaeology and the Bible, ٧٣٩١. ٤٦١. Baron, (S. W) , A social and religious history of the Jews, N. Y. ٧٦٩١. ٥٦١. Bulber, (M.) , moses, Oxford, ٦٤٩١. ٦٦١. Budge (E. A.) , The Babylonian story of the deluge and the epic of Gilgamesh, ٠٢٩١. ٧٦١. Burney (C. F.) , Israel\'s settlement in canaan, London, ٨١٩١. ٨٦١. Cook (S. A.) , in CAH, III, Cambridge, ٣٥٦٩١ ٩٦١. Davies (A. P.) , the ten commandment, N. Y. ٥٦٩١. ٠٧١. Dhorme (E) , La religion des hebreux Nomades, Bruxelles, ٧٣٩١. ١٧١. Dimont, (M.) , Jeuis god and history, N. Y. ٦٥٩١. ٢٧١. eliade (m.) , traite d\'histoire des religions, paris, ٤٦٩١. ٣٧١. Eissfeldt (O.) the hebrew kingdom, in CAH, II, part, ٢, ٥٧٩١. ٤٧١. Finegan (J.) light from the ancient past, I, Princeton, ٩٦٩١. ٥٧١. Gray (J.) Near eastern mythology, N. Y. ٩٦٩١. ٦٧١. Epstein (R. I.) , Judaism, ٠٧٩١. ٧٧١. Freud (s.) , moses and monotheism, N. Y. ٩٣٩١. ٨٧١. Faster (C. K.) , A history of the hebrew people, London, ٠٤٩١. ٩٧١. Gardiner, (A. H.) the gography of the exodus, in JEA, ٠١, ٤٢٩١. ٠٨١ Gardiner, (A. H.) Egypt of the Pharaohs, Oxford, ٤٦٩١. ١٨١. Gastring (J.) Jashua, Judge, the faundations of the bible history London ١٣٠١. ٢٨١. Glueck (N) , the other side of Jardan, New haven, ٥٤٩١